Renewal Body Works Inc., Auto Body Repair & Painting, Clovis, CA
1. What kind of insurance do you accept?

We handle all insurance claims, however we are direct repair with CSAA, California Casualty, and Farmers Insurance.

2. How long does it take to repair a vehicle?

Our Estimaters will inform you on the completion date based on the damages to the vehicle.

3. What if there’s other damages found during the repair? Will I have to call my insurance?

No, you do not have to contact your insurance company, our estimaters will contact your insurance directly for authorization to repair.

4. I do not have a rental, can someone drive me home?

Yes, we can drop you off or pick you up within the area.

If you have any further questions, you can speak to one of our friendly staff, Monday thru Friday, from 8am-5pm.

From the staff at Renewal Body Works, thank you for the opportunity to service your vehicle.
711 Shaw Avenue
Clovis, CA 93612

P: 559.299.2116  |  F: 559.299.2377
E: renewalclovis@renewalbodyworksinc.com

Shop Hours: M-F 8am – 5pm
© 2010 Assured Performance Network. All Rights Reserved. 8105 Irvine Center Dr Suite 800, Irvine CA 92618